YORKSHIRE TROUT FLIES. By T.E. Pritt, angling editor of the

YORKSHIRE TROUT FLIES. By T.E. Pritt, angling editor of the "Yorkshire Post." Flyfisher's Classic Library edition.

DAYS AND NIGHTS OF SALMON FISHING.With a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon, instructions to sportsmen, anecdotes, etc. By William Scrope, Esq., F.L.S. The Sportsman's Library. Edited by The Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart.

DAYS AND NIGHTS OF SALMON FISHING.With a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon, instructions to sportsmen, anecdotes, etc. By William Scrope, Esq., F.L.S. The Sportsman's Library. Edited by The Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart.


1999 1st edition. Ppx,150. Colour photographs, bibliography. Edition limited to 30 signed and numbered copies. Handsome full leather gilt.

"This is an authoritative book of the greatest value to all grayling fishermen". Chapters include: Grayling, a personal view; The facts of life [habitat, distribution, lifecycle]; Food [caddis, shrimps, midges, terrestrials, reed smuts, stoneflies, ephemeroptera]; Fly fishing methods [dry fly fishing, the Klinkhamer special, fishing the caddis hatches, fancy dry flies, dry fly presentation]; Subsurface fly fishing [bug fishing, the leadhead nymph, fishing the caseless caddis, Polish and Czech short nymphing, traditional nymphing, wet flies and spiders, minor tactics]; Recommended grayling flies. Appendices are: A list of grayling rivers in Britain; Grayling growth rates. This is a copy of the de luxe leather-bound edition that was limited to only 30 signed and numbered copies.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
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Author Roberts (John).
Book Code 8764
ISBN B001AW079Q.
Book Description Fine in slip-case. Signed and numbered by the author.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1999
Publisher Excellent Press.
Place Ludlow, Shropshire.