TYING AND FISHING THE NYMPH. By Taff Price. Paperback issue.

TYING AND FISHING THE NYMPH. By Taff Price. Paperback issue.

CATCHING SALMON. By Richard Waddington.

CATCHING SALMON. By Richard Waddington.


(1935) 1977 2nd edition. 8vo (140 x 224mm). Pp95. B/w photographs, illustrations. Orange-red boards.

A very useful guide to the art of trout fishing in clear water with worm. Spencer covers every aspect of the method and though originally written in the 1930s, this book has remained the definitive work on the subject". Within recent years enlightened angling opinion has raised clear-water worm fishing - the "upstream-worm" of the north country angler - to the high place it once occupied as a result of the uncanny skill and success of men like Stoddart and Stewart". *The 1935 edition uses hyphenated 'clear-water' on the title page and dust-wrapper. The 1977 edition and the 1985 reprint have it as 'clear water' on the title page and cover.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Spencer (Sidney). (1902-1976).
Book Code 18654
ISBN 0854931252 / 0854931252.
Book Description Very good in slightly spine-faded dust-wrapper.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1977
Publisher H. F. and G. Witherby.
Place London.