IN SEARCH OF HARRIERS: OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY. By Donald Watson. Wildlife Art Series No. 3.

IN SEARCH OF HARRIERS: OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY. By Donald Watson. Wildlife Art Series No. 3.

WILD IN EUROPE: The Wildlife Art of Renso Tamse. Wildlife Art Series No. 26.

WILD IN EUROPE: The Wildlife Art of Renso Tamse. Wildlife Art Series No. 26.

EAGLE DAYS. By Stuart Rae.

2012 1st edition. 8vo paperback (168 x 239mm). Ppxx,203. Colour photographs, brief bibliography.

"This book is based on many years of experience with eagles. It was written by bringing together Stuart's diary and field notes, along with his photographs, thus providing a complete description of eagles, their behaviour and ecology. Stuart is a founder member of the North East Raptor Study Group - the first to be set up in the country. He has worked with Jeff Watson and Keith Brockie, and more recently with Mike McGrady." Chapters include:- New year days; Spring display; Hunting; Capercaillie; White-tailed sea eagle; Still dawn; Equinox; Nest building; Incubation; Mountain plants; Change over; New life; Short cuts and otters; Eagles in the mist; Thermal of birds; Ringing chicks; Prey; First flight; Caledonian wood; When the geese come in; November days; Snow storm; Timelessness.
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Book Code
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Author Rae (Stuart).
Book Code 48138
ISBN 1904078443 / 9781904078449.
Book Description A fine new paperback.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 2012
Publisher Langford Press.
Place Langtoft, Peterborough.