SALMON AND TROUT. By Dean Sage, C.H. Townsend, H.M. Smith and William C. Harris. Illustrated by A.B. Frost, Tappan Adney, Martin Justice, and others.

SALMON AND TROUT. By Dean Sage, C.H. Townsend, H.M. Smith and William C. Harris. Illustrated by A.B. Frost, Tappan Adney, Martin Justice, and others.

RIVER MANAGEMENT: THE MAKING, CARE and DEVELOPMENT OF SALMON AND TROUT RIVERS. H.E. Towner Coston, F.T.K. Pentelow, M.A. (Cantab), F.Z.S, and R.W. Butcher, Ph.D., (London), F.L.S. Lonsdale Library Vol. XXIV.

RIVER MANAGEMENT: THE MAKING, CARE and DEVELOPMENT OF SALMON AND TROUT RIVERS. H.E. Towner Coston, F.T.K. Pentelow, M.A. (Cantab), F.Z.S, and R.W. Butcher, Ph.D., (London), F.L.S. Lonsdale Library Vol. XXIV.


(1869) ND [1884] 5th edition. Small 8vo (120 x 176mm). Ppviii,351,ad. B/w plates by G.Bowers and J.Carlisle. Pictorial boards.

"The Autobiography of the late Salmo Salar, Esq.," "A Fox's Tale," "Bolsover Forest," and "The Bagman," are the headings of the four chapters which compose this volume, and in each the writer has striven with marked success to blend the description of facts in natural history with incidents such as fire the soul, and spur the imagination of the sportsman. All sportsmen will enjoy reading it". (Daily Telegraph).
Availability: In stock
Book Code
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Author Rooper (George).
Book Code 5196
Book Description Original boards worn, newly rebacked in cloth.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1884
Publisher J.S. Virtue.
Place London.