THE MUSKIE MURDERS. By Theodore F. Vogel.

THE MUSKIE MURDERS. By Theodore F. Vogel.

GRIG THE GREYHOUND. By Mark Flint. Illustrated by Lionel Edwards, R.I. The Junior Country Life Library No. 36.

GRIG THE GREYHOUND. By Mark Flint. Illustrated by Lionel Edwards, R.I. The Junior Country Life Library No. 36.

GRIG THE GREYHOUND. By Mark Flint. Illustrated by Lionel Edwards, R.I. The Junior Country Life Library No. 36.

1938 1st edition. Square 8vo (166 x 217mm). Ppiii,108. B/w illustrations by Lionel Edwards*.Gilt school coat of arms to blue cloth.

Grig the puppy escapes from the farmyard and is discovered by Greg who is subsequently given the dog. This is a novel about Grig's upbringing and training, leading to professional success at the end of the book. The background to the story is well-informed and the author's intention is to impart useful information and practical tips to the young would-be greyhound owner. Nice b/w illustrations by Lionel Edwards. Chapters are: The pup; Grig and Greg; High-brow and low-brow; Grig grows; Some correspondece; Disaster; A duel; Grig goes to school; The education of Grig; Backgrounds; Grig means to do it; Grig does it.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Flint (Mark). Illustrated by Lionel Edwards.
Book Code 4550
Book Description Cloth damp-stained*, prize bookplate, o/w good in frayed dw.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1938
Publisher Country Life.
Place London.