DO YOU KNOW? A SPORTSMAN'S QUIZ. Especially compiled and published by The British Field Sports Society. Shooting booklet.

DO YOU KNOW? A SPORTSMAN'S QUIZ. Especially compiled and published by The British Field Sports Society. Shooting booklet.

HOW TO DISTINGUISH SEX AND AGE IN GAMEBIRDS. Eley Game Advisory Service Booklet 9. Shooting booklet.

HOW TO DISTINGUISH SEX AND AGE IN GAMEBIRDS. Eley Game Advisory Service Booklet 9. Shooting booklet.

HOW TO DISTINGUISH SEX AND AGE IN GAMEBIRDS. Eley Game Advisory Service Booklet 9. Shooting booklet.

(1936) 1965 revised 3rd edition. 8vo paperback (145 x 210mm). Pp12. B/w photographs. Sage-green card covers with white partridge silhouette.

Basic tests for telling the difference between cocks and hens, young and old. "First published 1936. Revised winter 1965." Dated in text as Spring 1966.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Eley Game Advisory Service.
Book Code 44790
Book Description Very good copy.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 1965
Publisher Eley Game Advisory Station.
Place Fordingbridge.