CYPRY: THE STORY OF A CARP. By Peter Mohan. Second edition.

CYPRY: THE STORY OF A CARP. By Peter Mohan. Second edition.

CYPRY: THE STORY OF A CARP. By Peter Mohan. Second edition reprint.

CYPRY: THE STORY OF A CARP. By Peter Mohan. Second edition reprint.

JONAH'S DREAM: A MEDITATION ON FISHING. By Sven Berlin. With 52 drawings by the author.

(1964) 1975 1st US edition. 8vo (142 x 216mm). Ppxiv,123,ads. B/w illustrations by the author. Green cloth, spine titled in red.

A delightful fishing fable, based around Jonah's obsession with a giant pike.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Berlin (Sven).
Book Code 10128
ISBN 0913232149 / 0913232149.
Book Description Very good in slightly used dust-wrapper.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1975
Publisher William Kaufmann.
Place Los Altos, California.