NYMPH FISHING FOR CHALK STREAM TROUT. By G.E.M. Skues (Seaforth and Soforth). Flyfisher's Classic Library edition.

NYMPH FISHING FOR CHALK STREAM TROUT. By G.E.M. Skues (Seaforth and Soforth). Flyfisher's Classic Library edition.

MINOR TACTICS OF THE CHALK STREAM. By G.E.M. Skues (Seaforth and Soforth). Flyfisher's Classic Library edition.

MINOR TACTICS OF THE CHALK STREAM. By G.E.M. Skues (Seaforth and Soforth). Flyfisher's Classic Library edition.

SIDE-LINES, SIDE-LIGHTS AND REFLECTIONS: FUGITIVE PAPERS OF A CHALK-STREAM ANGLER. By G.E.M. Skues. (Seaforth and Soforth). 1996 Flyfisher's Classic Library edition.

(1932) 1996 new edition. 8vo (160 x 240mm). Pp473. Frontispiece portrait, b/w photograph plates. Fully bound in brown "crocodile" bonded leather, spine titled in gilt, gilt FFCL motif to upper board, top edge gilt, silk marker ribbon. Brown cloth slipcase. Edition limited to 500 copies.

"Twelve years have passed since Mr. G.E.M. Skues last gave us the fruits of his experience- twelve years of theories tried and accepted or discarded. And here is the result, written in his irresistible style with that dry sense of humour which destroys false theories like a cleansing flame." A collection of articles reprinted from The Journal of the Flyfishers' Club, The Field, Fishing Gazette, Salmon and Trout Magazine, the Bulletin of the Anglers' Club of New York, etc. Skues's earlier books were published at his instigation, by A and C Black. Side-lines, by contrast, was put together at the request of another publisher, Seeley Service and Co. Ltd., producers of the Lonsdale Library series. Skues was sceptical of the need for a miscellany of his writings, and this book was always regarded by him as a poor relation to its predecessors. Nonetheless, Sidelines contains some brilliant material, including the famous spoof "Carrot Fly" controversy, and his most celebrated story, Mr Theodore Castwell in hell, curiously titled "Some Letter". Skues was a prodigious writer for angling journals for more than fifty years, His articles collected here make a fascinating monument to his genius. The true first edition was dated 1932 on the title-page. The book was reissued in 1938 but without a date on the title-page. This is a copy of the first edition.
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Author Skues (George Edward MacKenzie). (1858-1949).
Book Code 1663
Book Description Fine in slipcase.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1996
Publisher The Flyfisher's Classic Library.
Place Bovey Tracey.