THE ART OF ANGLING. By R. Brookes, M.D. Now Improved with Additions, And formed into a Dictionary. In Two Parts.

THE ART OF ANGLING. By R. Brookes, M.D. Now Improved with Additions, And formed into a Dictionary. In Two Parts.

THE ART OF ANGLING. By R. Brookes, M.D. Now Improved with Additions, And formed into a Dictionary. In Two Parts.

THE ART OF ANGLING. By R. Brookes, M.D. Now Improved with Additions, And formed into a Dictionary. In Two Parts.

THE ART OF ANGLING. By R. Brookes, M.D. Now Improved with Additions, And formed into a Dictionary. In Two Parts.

(1740) 1766 5th edition. 12mo (105 x 178mm). Ppviii,293 + 9pp ads for Lowndes' books. Illustrated with engraved frontispiece and 135 woodcuts by the author (copied from Willughby).

"I. Containing an account of Fish, and Fish-ponds : a new art of Fly-making : The new Laws that concern Angling : The secret Ways of catching Fish by Ointments, Pastes, and other Arts : Directions how to procure Baits, and for making all Sorts of Fish-Tackle, with the surest Method of finding Sport, etc. II. Of the great Whale, and Whale Fishery ; the devouring Shark ; the amphibious Turtle ; the luscious Turbot and Sole ; with Flying Fish, Sea-Devil, and other extraordinary Productions of the Sea. Likewise a Natural History of the Inhabitants of the Salt Water ; and various Methods of Rock and Sea-Fishing. Illustrated with one hundred and thirty-five cuts, exactly describing the different kinds of fish that are found in the fresh or salt waters. The whole forming a Sportsman's Magazine; and comprizing all that is curious and valuable in the Art of Angling."
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Author Brookes (Richard).
Book Code 59196
Book Description Recent green cloth with contrasting spine label. Text very worn with various taped / repaired tears and one half-page in facsimile. Facsimile plate tipped-in at rear. A working copy of a nice old book - with all faults.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1781
Publisher Printed for T. Lowndes in Fleet-Street.
Place London.