THE SPORT OF FISHING. By John Mackeachan (John Hectorson) with an introduction by Sir Herbert Maxwell.

THE SPORT OF FISHING. By John Mackeachan (John Hectorson) with an introduction by Sir Herbert Maxwell.

FLY FISHING. By Sir Edward Grey. Spredden Press Northern Classics Edition. Hardback.

FLY FISHING. By Sir Edward Grey. Spredden Press Northern Classics Edition. Hardback.

THE GENTLE ART: SOME SKETCHES AND STUDIES. By Henry Lamond. With eight illustrations by the author.

1911 1st edition. 8vo (144 x 207mm). Ppxii,303 + 4pp ads. B/w illustrations by the author. Binding A - Green-grey cloth, upper board and spine titled in gilt, publisher's name in gilt to base of spine.

Trout and salmon angling essays with a Scottish bias, including one chapter on powan". We cannot indeed believe that anyone who has any literary sense at all can read these articles without appreciating the powers of observation and the feeling for nature which they disclose and the literary charm with which they are expressed". (The Glasgow Herald). Chapters include:- An angler in embryo; The angler in the rough; Trout fishing begins; The merry month; Leafy June; In low waters; Duffers; Among the islands; Up the loch; The other side; In a Highland glen; Alone with a salmon; The gamest of fishes; Mr and Mrs Salmo Salar; A remarkable invention; The law of trout fishing in Scotland; The sale of trout; A size limit for trout; On casting; On wading; On loch bank fishing; Luck - or skill?; Bad rises and bad light; The courtesy of the water; Fresh-water herring; What is a salmon; and to whom does it belong?; Fry, parr, and smolts; Kelts; Bad principle and worse practice; Splash netting; Concerning definitions.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
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Author Lamond (Henry). (b. 1869).
Book Code 52715
Book Description Browning and use, annotations and press cutting to front end-paper, two book-plates, one of which from O.M. Reed ("Omar"). Good.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1911
Publisher John Murray.
Place London.