RED DEER. By Richard Jefferies. A new edition illustrated by Neil McReddie.

RED DEER. By Richard Jefferies. A new edition illustrated by Neil McReddie.



THE HIGH TOPS OF BLACK MOUNT. By The Marchioness of Breadalbane. Republished by her Executors with a Foreword and two additional photographs. With illustrations from photographs by Mrs Olive Mackenzie of Ord.

(1907) 2010 new edition. 8vo (140 x 216mm). Ppii,xviii,241. B/w photographs and illustrations. Brown boards, spine titled in gilt.

"This is a high-quality reprint of this famous classic, with all the 40 original photo illustrations, now significantly but subtly enhanced - of the 1935 edition. At the end of the book [has been] added a 42 page article taken from the Badminton Magazine of January 1904, written by the Earl of Onslow." Onslow was at that time the Minister of Agriculture, and a frequent guest at Black Mount. The article formed part of a series, "Famous Homes of Sport VIII. - Black Mount". In the book itself, the Marchioness of Breadalbane recounts her many years' adventures deer stalking in the Scottish Highlands. Chapters include: The High Tops; My first stag; A race for a stag; An eighteen-pointer; A summer walk; Six shots - six stags; Make for the rock; "Let go Captain"; "Not a miss after all"; A walk round the forest; The big stag of Coiriche Ba.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Breadalbane (The Marchioness of).
Book Code 25065
ISBN 0906839076 / 9780906839072.
Book Description Fine in dust-wrapper.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 2010
Publisher David A.H. Grayling.
Place Shap, Penrith.