GROUND GAME. By M. Brander. The Shooting Times Library No. 11.

GROUND GAME. By M. Brander. The Shooting Times Library No. 11.

A GAMEKEEPER'S HANDBOOK. Edited and published by Gilbertson and Page Limited.

A GAMEKEEPER'S HANDBOOK. Edited and published by Gilbertson and Page Limited.


1986 1st edition. 8vo (160 x 240mm). Ppxiv,274. Colour photograph plates, b/w photographs, illustrations, maps, bibliography. Red cloth, spine titled in gilt.

"My first aim in writing this monograph was combine all the important ecological data on partridges and to publish it as a whole. My second aim was to examine the reasons for the enormous decline of the partridge, bearing in mind its value as an indicator of the way in which modern farming is affecting wildlife. ...I hope this monograph will show that in many areas it is still feasible and very desirable to restore partridge numbers". A detailed and scholarly account, required reading for anyone with any interest in either gamebirds or the welfare of the countryside. Chapters include: World-wide decline of a major quarry species; Study area and methods; Predation at the nest; Chick survival; Pesticides; Parasites and disease; Feeding ecology through the seasons; Nesting cover and spring dispersal of pairs; The causes of the decline in partridge populations; Some aspects of traditional partridge conservation; Avoiding the adverse effects of pesticides; Future partridge management: a brief survey of recommendations.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
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Author Potts (George Richard). (1939-2017).
Book Code 5345
ISBN 0003832988 / 0003832988.
Book Description Small bumps to corners but very good in like dust-wrapper.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1986
Publisher Collins.
Place London.