FLY CASTING. By Dennis Gander. Photographs by Ken Whitehead.

FLY CASTING. By Dennis Gander. Photographs by Ken Whitehead.

GREAT RIVERS, GREAT HATCHES. By Charles Meck and Greg Hoover.

GREAT RIVERS, GREAT HATCHES. By Charles Meck and Greg Hoover.

UPSTREAM AND DOWN. By Howard T. Walden, II. Illustrated by Milton C. Weiler.

(1938) 1938 2nd edition. Small 8vo. Ppxvi,297. B/w vignette illustrations by Milton C. Weiler. Green cloth.

Essays on the art and philosophy of trout fishing in New England.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Walden (Howard Talbot, II).
Book Code 18517
Book Description Ex library working copy in dust-wrapper. Lots of stamps.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1938
Publisher The Macmillan Company.
Place New York.