Monday 3rd April 2017 - not more books!

Monday 3rd April 2017 - not more books!
[caption id="attachment_1781" align="alignleft" width="300"]Skues Nymph Dressings & Dunne Dry Flies in the Sunshine Skues Nymph Dressings & Dunne Dry Flies in the Sunshine[/caption]

I spent the weekend in the deep south of Hampshire at the Angling Auction and Fishing Tackle Fair at Romsey. It was a sociable affair, with many old - and new - friends staying at the same hotel in Romsey. There were not a huge number of books in Saturday's auction, but there were a few nice things from the estates of Fred Buller and Terry Griffiths. Terry played a large part in the production of both of these fine books, so I thought I'd better buy them. I sold a few copies of Farlows Salmon Flies to the tackle dealers at the fair on Sunday, and raided their stocks to fill the little space that remained in the van.