Thursday 7th May 2020 - Covid lock down!

I'm getting complaints that I am not writing my diary very often - sorry! Of course, there is little to report - early Spring is a poor time for sport here in Mid-Wales, and the Corona virus has put paid to any at all. I have missed the sea-shore foraging, and the biggest tides of the year. This week the good tides and weather might have led to a bass and some prawns. We are operating with less staff than usual, so as to ensure adequate distancing, but orders continue to pour in, so we are not getting any kind of a break. And, of course, I am not gallivanting around the auctions and tackle fairs, buying more books.  Actually, the last lot I bought, at Mullock's auction just before the lock-down, are still in boxes in my van. I've run out of space to put more books, and have no time to create more. And I can't just keep on buying shipping containers! (I've got six forty-foot containers outside my warehouse, and all are full!). With luck things will ease this month, and I'll be able to return to the shore and the river - hopefully in time for the first run of sea-trout.